Data Structures 1 - NTIN066 - WS 2014/2015
HW 3
Due date: 15. 12. 2014
Problem description
Implement lazy binomial heaps. Create a program which reads the test data from the standard input and with each Delete-Min operation it outputs the deleted minimum.
The input data are partitioned into runs. Each run constists of a sequence of Insert and Delete-Min operations. The Insert operation starts by the character 'I' in the input. The Delete-Min operation starts with 'D'. The last row of the run is the character 'R'. After each run (at the end of the input) there is a row with the character 'X'.
The inserted elements are from the interval [0, n - 1]. After each run the binomial heap is emptied. Each run should be saparated by a newline in the output.
Using unix executable /afs/ which is available in Rotunda laboratory you can generate test data.
Test your implementation using those data and for each run measure the overall number of merges during Delete-Min operation. Then measure the count N of Insert operations and the number D of Delete-Min operations.
Create a graph (each run is a point):
- The x axis is N - the number of insertions.
- The axis y shows (S-min(S,N))/D.
That is create a graph of the average number of merges per deletion.
The graph should have five curves for five test data.
Also try to explain the graph.
Input example
I 1
I 3
I 2
I 0
I 2
I 3
I 0
I 1
A possible graph
Generating the input data
$/afs/ XX D
This will generate data for measuring, remember that XX are the last two number of your student number and D is one of {0,1000,10000,100000,1000000} (the five curves).
If D=0, then we perform Delete-Min just after all insertions until the heap is emptied.
When D<0, then Delete-Min operations are uniformly positioned among N Insert operations.
Each run has at least 1 000 inserts and runs up to 1 000 000 insertions. There are approximately 300 runs.
pbl3-gen-data 72 0 | my-heap
pbl3-gen-data 72 1000 | my-heap
pbl3-gen-data 72 10000 | my-heap
pbl3-gen-data 72 100000 | my-heap
pbl3-gen-data 72 1000000 | my-heap